What Challenges Do Fathers Face in Custody Battles?

Many fathers feel disadvantaged in child custody battles, with some losing the battle long before it starts. This is because the judges who decide custody cases are influenced by gender bias, and that bias causes the judges to favor mothers having custody of the children. However, the trend is changing, more and more judges are willing to listen to arguments challenging bias. Judges are more receptive to evidence depicting the importance of fathers in the lives of their children. Awareness of bias helps minimize the impact of bias.

Courts consider the best interests of a child when determining who gets custody of the children. So, if you can prove why you’re the better parent, the chances are high that you can be awarded custody. If you can prove that you are a competent and involved parent, you increase your chances in obtaining a favorable ruling. Working with skilled lawyers from a reputable Germantown & Silver Springs law firm can also produce a favorable outcome in your case.

Attorneys familiar with what gender bias is, how the bias presents in the courtroom, and how to neutralize the bias through evidence and argument increase your chances at obtaining a favorable custody decision. Lawyers specializing in child custody cases also know the evidence you could present to build a strong case for why you should be awarded custody.

What are Fathers’ Rights in Child Custody Battles?

Fathers have equal rights as mothers in child custody cases. They’re entitled to being involved in their children’s lives and making decisions concerning their lives. When fighting for child custody, it’s essential to be aware of your rights as a father so that you can fight from a point of knowledge:

The Right to Establish Paternity

Besides, you and your ex both get an opportunity to raise the children, allowing the child to maintain a healthy relationship with both parents. Maryland child custody lawyers can help you pursue this right so that you can fight with the confidence your case deserves.

Sole or Joint Custody

Depending on the children’s age and best interests, you may be granted sole or joint custody in the same way courts award sole or joint custody to mothers. Joint custody may further fall into joint legal, shared physical, or a combination of both.

If granted joint legal custody, you and the children’s other parent will share the control and care of the children, even if the children have one primary residence. If the court grants shared physical custody, either parent can live with the children and spend at least 35% of the time at each home.

Visitation Rights

If you’re not awarded custody of your children, you have the right to visitation as the non-custodial parent. Visitation schedules help maintain a healthy child-parent relationship. You and your ex-spouse could agree to a parenting plan that works for both of you, or the court can issue one if you can’t settle the issue amicably.

You should be awarded reasonable visitation that upholds the children’s best interests to have a working relationship with both parents. Skilled child custody attorneys in Maryland can help you create a favorable schedule.

What Mistakes Should I Avoid That Could Undermine My Child Custody Rights?

As a father, you want what’s best for your children and will do your best to make custody decisions that benefit them. If you want to succeed in your child custody battle, there are mistakes you should be aware of, which you should avoid in and out of court. Fathers’ rights lawyers advise doing the following:

  • Stop believing that mothers always win child custody, as family courts no longer have gender preference in custody cases.
  • Remember, you have equal rights on matters such as holidays, visitation, vacations, and other legal issues concerning the children. 
  • Don’t leave all the decisions to the mother, as you’re an equal partner in parenting. 
  • Don’t stop seeing your children if you no longer live with your ex-spouse. 
  • Avoid bad-mouthing your ex-spouse to your children. 
  • Keep a record and a journal of the times you spend with the children, and don’t let their mother dictate when you can see or not see them. 
  • Try to keep communication with your ex-spouse in writing and avoid being hostile toward her, no matter how angry you are at her. 
  • Get the parenting schedule in writing to make it enforceable.
  • Stop believing that fathers will also be ordered to pay child support, but don’t try to hide your income from the court. 
  • Remember that even when the custody battle is over, you will still need to maintain communication with your ex-spouse for the sake of your children. 

Your child custody attorneys in Maryland can take you over everything you need to know to protect your rights in your child custody case. 

An Experienced Child Custody Lawyer Fighting for Your Rights in Your Custody Case

Child custody battles can be challenging, especially in contested divorce cases. However, you have equal rights to get custody of your children as their mother. The tips above can make it less complicated and prepare you psychologically to fight for what you deserve, which is an ongoing relationship with your children.

Pare & Associates is a Germantown and Silver Springs Law Firm providing legal guidance and representation to fathers dealing with divorce and custody disputes. If you’re having challenges in your child custody case, big or small, we are here to help. Let us work together and strategize on protecting your rights as a father. Call us at 301-515-1190 for a FREE consultation.