For your convenience we accept a variety of payment methods – cash, check, credit/debit, PayPal, and Venmo. We can accept credit/debit card payments over the phone or through the client portal.
We also offer payment plans for some types of matters. If you are interested in a payment plan, contact the office directly at (301) 962-2492 to discuss options and details.
You can also choose to use the “Buy Now Pay Later” and “PayPal Credit” services provided by PayPal.
IMPORTANT – PayPal and Venmo payments can NOT be used to add money into your escrow account.
To learn more about the “Buy Now Pay Later” option, check out
To learn more about PayPal Credit, check out
If you would like to use PayPal, you can use the button below.
If you need access to your client portal, contact the office and we can get your client portal account activated. As a benefit, you can also upload documents and share secure messages through the client portal.